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Davo the luxe supplement, Soviet Zone, complete set, years 1945 till 1949

Every year a supplement is issued for Soviet Zone, complete set luxery album. The supplement Soviet Zone, complete set years 1945 till 1949 consists of 20 pages.
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€74,35 €64,30

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The supplement Soviet Zone, complete set appears, contains sheets of extra heavy paper (170 grs.) with plasticizer-free mounts.

Here you can store the stamps issued in this period.

On all sheets there are frames where you can put the stamps, usually with a picture of the stamp itself. On all these frames are transparent mounts to safely place your stamps in.

The Supplement Soviet Zone, complete set contains the years 1945 till 1949.

The content consists of 20 pages; g1-7,gB1,h1-3,hB1-4,k1-4,kB1.

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