Davo the luxe supplement, Wallis & Futuna, year 2014 - Stamps 4 Everyone
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Davo the luxe supplement, Wallis & Futuna, year 2014

Every year a supplement is issued for Wallis & Futuna luxery album. The supplement Wallis & Futuna year 2014 consists of 5 pages.
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€19,60 €16,95

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Every year the supplement Wallis & Futuna appears, which contains sheets of extra heavy paper (170 grs.) with plasticizer-free mounts.

Here you can store the stamps issued in the previous year.

On all sheets there are frames where you can put the stamps, usually with a picture of the stamp itself. On all these frames are transparent mounts to safely place your stamps in.

The Supplement Wallis & Futuna contains the year 2014.

The content consists of 5 pages; 77,78,79,B22,B22a.

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