Adhesive labels, series 4
You can personalize your albums and or bands, using these self-adhesive labels with various country - region names, roman numerals etc.. The adhesive labels are made in a matching gold color and can be easily applied to the bindings.
Including the following countries - regions;
5x Greece, 4x Türkiye, 2x Albania, 2x Shqiperia, 2x Bulgaria, 2x Jugoslavija, 2x Serbia & Montenegro, 2x Hrvatska Croatia, 2x Slovenija, 1x Kosovo (Unmik), 2x Ceská Republika, 2x Slovensko, 1x CSR, 2x CSSR, 5x Polska, 3x Romania, 4x Rossija, 6x CCCP-USSR, 4x POCC, 3x Hungary, 3x Magyarország, 4x Europa-Cept, 6x Europa, 2x Mitläufer, 3x West, 3x East, 1x CSCE issues, 3x Kleinbogen, 2x UN Geneve, 2x Un New York, 2x Un Wien, 1x Un-Flaggen, 1x Intern. Offices, 1x United Nations, 53x Roman numerals from I-XXI, 12x Mint, 10x Used, 8x Envelope, 5x FDC, 5x ETB.
The packaging is per piece.