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OBP Belgian stamp catalog, issue 2025

OBP Belgian stamp catalog, issue 2025
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Official Belgian stamp catalog 70th edition 2025 (OCB)

The Belgian stamp catalog (including catalog prices) published by the Belgian Professional Chamber of Stamp Dealers of Belgian Stamps (BBKPH) from inception to the present. The full name of this work is Officiële Postzegelcatalogus België (Official Stamp Catalogue Belgium) but in popular speech it is sometimes referred to as the OCB (Official Catalogue Belgium) or the OBP (Official Belgian Stamp Catalogue). In this catalog you can find all Belgian stamps from the past and present with the picture in color, catalog price, issue date, catalog number and a lot of additional information.

Official Belgian stamp catalog contains;

With the Belgian postage stamps and all subdomains of Belgian stamps such as automaton stamps, occupation stamps, blocks, booklets, postcards, daily newspaper stamps, service stamps, erinnophilia, small sheets, military stamps, unadopted designs, paper types, plate numbers, roll stamps, penalty stamps, black and white sheets and much more.

With the stamps of the Belgian ex-Colonies Belgian Congo, Burundi (Kingdom and Republic),Democratic Republic (Congo),Katanga, local issues (Albertville and Stanleyville), Independent State of Congo, postal freedom stamps (India), postal packets (Vicicongo), Republic of Congo, Republic of Zaire,Ruanda-Urundi, Rwanda, Sud-Kasai.

The official Belgian stamp catalog is really indispensable for the Belgian philatelist who wants to know everything about the Belgian stamps and in this edition new varieties and even a completely new section were added as well as this catalog was adapted to the fluctuations on the international market.

The packaging is per piece

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