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Pocket Multimagnifier (4 functions), Magnification factor 30x / 60x, Lens diameter Ø 21 mm.

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3 - 7 days

€14,95 €13,75

Incl. tax

Pocket magnifier, Multimagnifier Extendable (4 functions) - with LED lighting and UV. - Two seperate lenses

Magnification factor 30x / 60x, Lens diameter Ø 21 mm.

The Pocket Size Loupe is a very small size loupe, but with high precision to correctly assess your items down to the smallest details. Some of these pocket size loupe are ideeal for reading in the store or at a trade show. Often they come with several options, once it is more than 3 options it becomes Multiloupe because then the loupe is multifuntional. You can use this loupe for all kinds of collectibles including stamps, coins, jewelry minerals etc.

This Pocket magnifier has two separate high-quality lenses made of Accrylic. Where the large lens has the low magnification and the small lens has the higher magnification Acrylic. Which speciaal polished to ensure precision in assessing your object for the user. The magnifier is produced from black plastic. If required, you can turn on the built-in LED lighting to better see your detail of you object you want to magnify when there is not enough ambient light.

This magnifier will be delivered with batteries.

Discover now the wide range of Magnifier - Magnifying Glasses from the various suppliers.

In our webshop you can find suitable Batteries and Accesoires for your LEDs lighting or your UV LEDS in your magnifier.

Lens diameter: Ø 21 mm.

Magnification factor: 30x / 60x

Equipped with: LED & UV 356 nm.

Dimensions: 100 x 40 x 20 mm.

Packaging is per piece.

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