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Welcome to Stamps4everyone rewards!


With our Loyalty Program, earning points is easier than ever!

  • As soon as you register an account with Stamps4everyone, you can join our program. As a welcome gift, you will receive 500 points immediately!

  • Your points are accurately tracked in our program and you can view your point balance at any time. At 1875 points you even become a VIP member, which means you can enjoy exclusive benefits and special offers. Also, you will receive 40% more points on your purchases.

  • In addition, we like to celebrate your birthday with a special reward, to thank you for your loyal support throughout the year.

  • Points can be redeemed for the following items: Stamps, Tweezers, Coin Capsules and Mounts.

  • With 500 points you can redeem €5.00 in ongoing promotions.

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